Getting Started Learning Spanish

La pagina Learning Spanish es una pagina web escrito en inglés que creé en mayo de 2009 cuando llevé seis meses aprendiendo español. Puede ser útil a alguien que está empezando aprender un idioma extranjero.

In May, 2009, about two months after I started learning Spanish (not counting my junior high to high school Spanish courses taken around 1967-70) I created a little web site (called Learning Spanish) about what I did to learn Spanish.  I spent a couple of days on it and then let it sit it on the internet, with no links to it as far as I know, until shortly after I started this blog in January 2012 at which point I created a link, in this blog, to the home page of the Learning Spanish site and started adding more content to it.   The link to it is the link entitled "Learning Spanish" in the first sentence of the paragraph just above this one.
Comentarios y correcciones son bienvenidos.

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice work Jeff, this is my first visit. Kiwi-Girl. ;)

    Ps. I created / creé ;)

  2. Gracias Kiwi-Girl. He hecho la corrección.


Si quieres corregir, por favor, lee Correcciones.html.